Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wonderful Waldsby

Yrrah assisted Nadya in recovering from the shock of learning of her child's death by assaulting her with survival needs, rather successfully. Nadya organized the travelers to build a shelter for the coming storm, then collapsed while the group from Taldor and the northern traders waited out the storm.

The people in the group learned a bit of each other and the new land they were in. Dinner was made and Nadya arose. During the meal, the travelling bard Mierul came across the camp and traded tales for a seat at the fire, though she purposefully kept back from it. After learning that the Taldoran group were supposedly members of Nadya's extended family and companions, she lost interest and soon left the shelter.

The next morning, the travelers dug out the caravan and continued on towards Waldsby, Nadya's home. During the trip, a conspiracy of ravens came across the caravan. Even though Nadya quickly covered the caravan in white canvas and got everyone underneath, the ravens spotted a wayward half-orc and immediately started trying to clear the covers. Through fire and a bit of Yrrah's skin they drove off the ravens.

The group arrived at Waldsby that evening and were settled in to Nadya's home. They met her twin sons and their caretaker, and learned of the house fey watching the home.

The next morning, Kyezra scouted the perimeter of the village while Yrrah, Ash and Doyle went to the town's tavern. With a bit of suspicion for the large mirror behind the bar of such a poor establishment, they each tried to gather what information they could on various subjects. Katarina gave Doyle some tea along with the suggestion to leave Irrisen which he gladly followed, leaving his companions troubled. Ash and Yrrah demanded answers from the recalcitrant Katarina. Her husband Emil discouraged them with a crossbow laid upon the bar top. This did not calm the situation.

Emil fired upon Yrrah. Ash destroyed the crossbow. Katarina covered the room in fog. Yrrah smacked Emil upside the head, hard. Shortly, the proprietors were subdued and Ash and Yrrah went chasing after Doyle, leaving Zacarius to guard them.

Doyle, not wanting to be stopped, did his best to convince the others that leaving was a good idea while never slowing his step. Ash and Kyezra attempted to stop him with little success, as he kept slipping away from their grasps. Eventually, he was knocked out and taken back to Nadya's home.

Nadya returned home after learning of the chaos the group had instigated and insisted upon hurrying the group away from town as soon as feasible. She got the dogsled ready and the group left to confront the white witch who ruled the region.

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